All about Hair Loss

For those that suffer with hair loss, it is definitely a big worry for both men and as much women. Some have stated that it tends to be extremely nerve-wracking, due to the amount of hair loss as it varies on the individual. If you have an unexceptional amount of hair loss after a casual hair wash or a quick brush during the day or before bed you tend to get worried that you’re on track towards baldness. In many cases that is not the issue. Each day you lose about 50-100 hair strands which frequently turn out to be tangled with all your hairs, which then get washed out with whilst your shampooing which at some points may seem a bit much after a wash in the basin when in reality they have already been shed beforehand. And yes, of course, this is not baldness, but some really suffer from baldness which can be really obvious in some areas of the head which therefore is extremely different to thinning hair. 

Alopecia & the simple hair pull test 

Alopecia is an extremely common hair loss problem for many males and females.

Are you worried and showing early signs of alopecia? Why don’t you give that simple hair pull test a try.

It involves grabbing a tiny bunch of your hair (about 20-30 strands) sandwiched between your thumb and index finger and you pull your hair gradually and firmly. It is normal for about 2-4 hair strands to fall out with each pull. However, if you find about 10 or more strands coming out then the test is measured as positive and there could be a problem.  

Did you know? 

An average human at the ages between 20-30 years old, typically has about 615-620 hair follicles per square centimetre. This number typically falls by just under 150 by the time you are 50 years old and as you get older the number continues to decrease. Additionally, the quality of your hair strands then becomes both sparse and finer. 

Facts about hair growth 

It is vital to know your hair growth cycle, this would work to your advantage in order to understand all the possible issues that you could encounter with your hair.

The cycle involves three very distinctive stages - telogen, anagen and catagen which are all worth checking out.

All over the human body, your hairs are made of cells, and in time as you form new cells at the roots, your hair then progressively pushes out of the hair follicle. As the hairs get moved further away from the base of the follicle, they begin to lose nutrition and die thereby forming into a hard protein known as keratin. Therefore each hair strand that you see above your skin is a ‘dead protein’. The essential part of your hair growth lies deep within your skin and this is called the follicle. This also determines the thickness of your hair from which it is growing. For that reason as you age the hair follicles you produce shrink, your hairs become thinner. 

How to prevent hair loss? 

A nutritious balanced diet along with an active stress-free lifestyle is the first step! 

Many people do not realise how important and effective supplements are. They can be used as a great tool to rebuild, nourish and not only just grow your hair but to also create an optimal environment for healthy hair growth. Hair supplements also are great for filling your body with the right dosage of meaningful vitamins for exceptional healthy hair. Please note that supplements are not a substitute to a healthy diet. 

The prevention of hair loss may involve numerous factors depending on the individual and also the underlying cause, an active and healthy hair regime which should include regular shampooing and deep conditioning is a basic step.

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